

Photo courtesy of Tim Simpson “I Have An Idea” campaign.

Kentucky for Hemp is a grassroots-driven, no-compromise lobbying agency dedicated to restoring Kentucky historical position as the leader in hemp seed production worldwide.

Officially founded in 2013, Kentucky for Hemp is based on a philosophy of freedom which has prevailed throughout the history of mankind.

Our goal is to create a better business environment for hemp farmers, manufacturers, and researchers by fighting to pass legislation that will make hemp more accessible, while educating the next generation of farmers about their role in defending the future of industrial hemp.

H.E.M.P. as in Help, Educate, Market, Promote!

Help farmers, educators, and agencies. Help by giving them the tools needed to forge their own paths in the hemp industry. We work with groups like the KY Department of Agriculture, the KY Hemp-Grower’s Cooperative, and KY Hemp Industries and help them develop their networks. The goal is to take the hemp industry far beyond anything that one group could accomplish alone.

Educate and bring awareness to Kentucky youth. No matter what path we take, our future is bleak without the involvement of young people in agriculture. In today’s techno-centric world, farming and agriculture have become a quaint reminder of the way things used to be. Here in Kentucky, we have an opportunity to capitalize on this situation, and remedy the problem by educating a new generation of farmers about this versatile crop.

Market and support hemp businesses in any way possible. This includes free advertising, networking, and information relating to various hemp businesses around the globe. If you own a hemp business, and want more information on how we can help you, email us!

Promote pro-hemp businesses, organizations, and political figures in Kentucky and abroad. There are key individuals in the hemp movement who should be commended for their hard work and dedication to this cause. There are others who have worked tirelessly to delay, hijack, or destroy the hemp movement and our opportunity to be self-sufficient.

Our goal is to identify those individuals and help to ensure their future successes or failures. It will be important to judge these individuals based on their character as well as their Kentucky for Hemp surveys.

About Katie Moyer

Katie Moyer is a member of the Kentucky Industrial Hemp Commission, a wife and homeschooling mother of two. She is also the 1st District Coordinator for Kentuckians for the Right to Bear Arms.

A proponent of the Philosophy of Liberty, Katie has defended Kentuckians by protecting their rights to free speech, and is a strong believer in a small, limited government and sound money. Kentucky For Hemp is a coalition member of the conservative organization Take Back Kentucky.

For assistance or consulting with regard to industrial hemp, contact Katie here.

Kentucky for Hemp

Protecting our seed…Preserving our future

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