Kentucky Hemp is a Reality!

Hemp Champions: KY State Senator Robin Webb, Ag Commissioner James Comer, Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell

History is set to repeat itself here in Kentucky, as Agriculture Commissioner James Comer has announced that his department is moving forward with five Kentucky hemp pilot projects around the state.

At an agricultural forum in Leburn, KY, Commissioner Comer announced his plans to expand the agricultural base in the Appalachia region with a new branding campaign, new legislative endeavors, and two Appalachian hemp pilot projects.

Out of the five hemp projects, two are located in Eastern KY, two in Central KY and one in Western KY, giving us a wide assay of variables for the viability of hemp in the state.

Eric Steenstra, President of Vote Hemp with a copy of the hemp amendment printed on 100% hemp paper.

There are many important factors that must be addressed for hemp to flourish as it once did. For example, we need to know how well hemp will perform in Kentucky when imported from other regions of the globe.

We need to know what kinds of yields we can obtain for our farmers and what kind of profit they can make.

We need to know how well hemp performs in various soil types, regions, and altitudes.

We need to know how well hemp can clean up our polluted lands, and we need to know if Kentucky hemp can be readily used for treatment of epilepsy and autism.

Now is the time to step up and make this dream a reality! Many people have fought to pave the way for a new generation of hemp farmers! Let’s follow their lead and make 2014 the year of the hemp farmer!

If you are interested in growing hemp for any of these pilot projects, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture has already whipped up some applications.


Media turned out in droves for this event, and covered every facet of the announcement. Here are several links to articles covering Monday’s forum.

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