The Tale of One Kentucky Hemp Field

WP_20140619_003 All the hemp talk going on lately has gotten me into a mood to pull out an old book I picked up on eBay. “The Reign of Law: A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields” was first published in 1900. In it, James Lane Allen gives a romantic detail of the life cycle of hemp, and upon reading the first few chapters I was inspired to go out and visit the Kentucky Hemp Babies. These beautiful, useful . . . → Read More

Hemp seeds are sprouting!

The hemp babies are sprouting already! Yesterday we headed to the hemp farm to spread some fertilizer on a Western Kentucky hemp field. Weren’t we surprised to find that some of the hemp seeds had started to sprout! WP_20140604_011[1]New life, with llama fertilizer.With the help of some fantastic volunteers, we scooped llama manure and transported it with a tarp and a wheelbarrow. A little elbow grease and our hemp babies got . . . → Read More

We planted the seed!

It finally happened! Today I was honored to be a part of the first legal planting of hemp seed in Christian County Kentucky in over 60 years! Hemp Seeds We jumped through the hoops. We fought long and hard against all odds, and finally succeeded in planting Industrial Hemp for a KY Agriculture Department pilot program! We weren’t the first, and we won’t be the last, but today was truly an historical moment in time! The original plan . . . → Read More

Kentucky Hemp is a Reality!

Hemp Champions: KY State Senator Robin Webb, Ag Commissioner James Comer, Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell History is set to repeat itself here in Kentucky, as Agriculture Commissioner James Comer has announced that his department is moving forward with five Kentucky hemp pilot projects around the state. At an agricultural forum in Leburn, . . . → Read More

Hemp Industries Association D.C. Wrap-Up

by G Rob Moseley Rob Moseley, Original Kentucky Hemp Commission member, world traveler, and animal lover! Rob Moseley, Original Kentucky Hemp Commission member, world traveler and animal lover! For the Kentucky hemp industry to prosper on the scale that many of us on the Kentucky Industrial Hemp Commission envision, it’s imperative that we learn –and share- as much information as we can about existing markets, technologies, and products the world over. The 2013 Hemp Industries Association . . . → Read More