Last night, Jonathan Levinshus from the Sierra Club sent an email announcing that TVA would be retiring three of their coal plants, one of which is in Kentucky. ABC News reports that environmental regulations are forcing 2 out of 3 units in Drakesboro out of business.
Not only are Kentuckians going to lose their jobs when this plant closes, but we will lose yet another source of electricity in this state, with no infrastructure set up for alternative energy.
We already know Kentucky doesn’t receive enough direct sunlight, nor do we have enough wind energy to make Kentucky competitive in those markets. Any of our friends with solar energy at home can tell you that it’s a backup system, and not a year round source of energy.
I would prefer to utilize an alternative that will allow us to protect our environment yet live in comfort, warm and safe in our homes.
Hemp is a renewable resource, a tree which grows to full height in a single season and sucks huge amounts of “dreaded” carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere, replacing it with fresh, clean oxygen for us to breathe.
Kentucky Hemp Warriors have approached Sierra Club members for help on the hemp issue. We assumed that since hemp is the ideal environmental crop, and has the capability to restore our planet, then the Sierra Club establishment would jump on board immediately, throwing their weight into the push.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. The leaders of the Sierra Club are too busy fighting capitalism and our most abundant source of electricity to realize that instead of destroying coal, we need to improve it by blending it with hemp!
Instead of creating a lower quality-of-life and playing catch up with our energy policy, let’s invest in the most adaptable, earth-friendly plant in existence. Let’s make hemp happen and be stewards of the Earth, without sacrificing our children’s well-being.
The Sierra Club is launching a letter writing campaign to TVA asking them to retroactively find a way to provide Kentucky with electricity through alternative energy. Now that they have forced one of our coal plants to close, they want to appeal to the people they’ve injured by begging TVA to waste money on wind and solar power.
Let’s think about Solar (or Wind) energy…
Can you build houses out of solar energy?
Can you eat solar energy?
Can you heal arthritis with solar energy, like you can with the roots of the hemp tree?
Can you make plastic from solar enery?
Can you make money off of solar energy? In Kentucky? No, you can’t.
Aside from selling your commodities to TVA, what better way is there to invest in energy than industrial hemp? There is none.
Use this Sierra Club form to send a message to TVA. Ask them to invest in hemp and learn how they can blend coal with hemp to make cleaner burning fuel while providing jobs for our farmers and working classes.
You’ll have to delete all the feely-good wannabe environmental nonsense out of the letter. Tell TVA that wind and solar power isn’t successful in Kentucky! We should be investing in hemp blends for coal, hemp biodiesel, and hemp ethanol for all our renewable energy needs!
Invest in hemp. My grandmother told me stories of men in my family that worked in hemp many years ago. The only thing they should have made illegal, was the fact that politics made it illegal. What cleaner and better way is there? Give peace a chance!!!
there will be a shifting around of labor and professionals during this time of eco transition. best thing is to get smart i guess…
Problem is that the public is not ready to buy Hemp products. They don’t know why they should. AND Hemp products will cost the same as goods from china.